Monday, April 22, 2019

Notes On Being Direct April 22nd

I needed an instead of worrying about it I found one I liked and pulled the trigger. It took less than a week. I skipped any anxiety about the decision.

While I really don't enjoy approaching, I'm still learning. I know my attitude towards women is bad, and the constant approaching forces me to face it. I want to know why, and I want to change it. If the last decade has taught me anything its that I have to lean into the discomfort before it will start making any sense.

The constant approaching is changing my self-image. I used to see myself as someone no one wanted around. Now, it's more ambiguous. I almost never feel bad about the conversation. Things go smoothly, even if the girl is going to say no, she never seems creeped out.

As I try to develop awareness, and internal presence I'm starting to wonder what the "work" is for other situations. Approaching women helps with presence, in the context of the first conversation. But what about an interview? What about hanging out with friends? What is the practice for everything else?

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Notes on Being Direct April 25th

The daily approach is changing my attitude to women and dating. It might have a lot to do with everything that happened last year, but still...